worship & ARTS
The Worship & Arts Ministry of Grace Cathedral exist to magnify the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, with Psalms, Dance, Mime and a variety of artistic expressions that reflect the creativity and glory of God.
It is our desire to set an atmosphere that is pleasing unto God, where the body of Christ can worship in spirit and truth.

Evangelist Candice Johnson Mills
Worship & Arts Division Leader
Worship & Arts Division Leader

Sis. Connie Johnson
Director, The Levites
Director, The Levites
Elder Daniel S. Ward
Director, Voices of Grace
Director, Voices of Grace
Worship together.

Voices of Grace Choir

The Levites

Youth Praise Team
Our mission is to enrich the service through praise, worship, and devotion in song.
This ministry prepares hearts to received God's word.
This ministry prepares hearts to received God's word.

Anointed Grace Dancers

Devotion in Motion Mimes

Angels of Grace
The expectation of this ministry is to be pleasing in the sight of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a ministry of praise to God and not a performance to entertain the church.
Get Connected!
We are more than just singers, praise dancers and musicians - we are worship leaders. We are a ministry that believes in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We accept the mantle and responsibility the Lord has placed on us to worship Him with unbridled enthusiasm, passion and authenticity. Want to help further the Kingdom of God? Contact us below.