Your Time is Coming
We have all heard the sayings, “there’s a time & place for everything” or “they were at the wrong place at the wrong time” or even “they were at the right place at the right time.”
The point is timing is important, whether it’s cooking, baking, healing, playing a game, deep conditioning your hair, resetting your cable box, waiting in line, etc. things take time. We seem to have some concept of this in the physical sense; however, we live in a “popcorn” society that wants everything to happen NOW. This “I want it now” mentality, mixed with the “prosperity gospel” doctrine can leave saints feeling like “God didn’t hear my prayer, so let me help Him out”. Let me give more, do more, volunteer more, serve more, advertise my gifts more because I need God to move NOW, I need the vision to come to pass NOW, I need everything He promised me RIGHT NOW. And we can be left feeling burnt out, overextended, & further away from God because we are out of alignment with His timing & ultimately playing the role of God in our lives.
The point is timing is important, whether it’s cooking, baking, healing, playing a game, deep conditioning your hair, resetting your cable box, waiting in line, etc. things take time. We seem to have some concept of this in the physical sense; however, we live in a “popcorn” society that wants everything to happen NOW. This “I want it now” mentality, mixed with the “prosperity gospel” doctrine can leave saints feeling like “God didn’t hear my prayer, so let me help Him out”. Let me give more, do more, volunteer more, serve more, advertise my gifts more because I need God to move NOW, I need the vision to come to pass NOW, I need everything He promised me RIGHT NOW. And we can be left feeling burnt out, overextended, & further away from God because we are out of alignment with His timing & ultimately playing the role of God in our lives.
In Ecclesiastes 3:1, King Solomon tells us that “for everything, there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” Since God is Alpha and Omega, & knows the beginning from the end we can trust in HIS TIMING & that He will finish the visions, the dreams, & the desires that He placed inside of us (Revelation 22:13, Philippians 1:6). God has great plans for each & every one of us, He created us with purpose for this specific time before we were even born (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 2:10). The promises of God are not manifested in our lives by “our works” but by faith in Jesus, in God’s word, & in believing everything He says is true (Hebrews 11). When we put our faith in God, overTIME our lives or “our works” will reflect that, we don’t “work” for God’s promises because we are all in need of His grace & there is nothing we could do to deserve it.
In Verse 11, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time…” We should not get caught up in the comparison game because it’s a deadly game to play. Comparison, can literally kill joy, peace, dreams, relationships, confidence, identity, plans, finances, visions, & so much more.
This past Sunday, Bishop Anthony Gilyard said something that has been replaying in my mind all week. He said, “12:49 doesn’t come before 12:37 because it knows its time is coming", that hit me like a ton of bricks. 12:49 doesn’t think 12:37 is better than it, that 12:37 is more special, that 12:37 is more anointed, that there is no room for 12:49 because of 12:37; instead 12:49 realizes that they both have a distinguished place on the same clock & it will soon be its time.
God knows what He’s doing, He knows what He has placed inside of you & what needs to take place beforehand in order for Him to bring it out of you. Instead of comparing ourselves to others or getting upset with God because He is not meeting “our expectations” or “our timing”, we should be seeking Him & asking what do you want me to learn, how do I need to grow, prune me, make me into someone you can use, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts (Psalm 139:23).”
Find peace in God’s goodness, His faithfulness, His mercy, His grace, His word & trust that as you seek Him everything else will be added & the path will be revealed (Matthew 6:33, Psalm 37:23)
No time is wasted, stay faithful & your season for harvest will come.
Preaching to myself,
Imani Nailah
This past Sunday, Bishop Anthony Gilyard said something that has been replaying in my mind all week. He said, “12:49 doesn’t come before 12:37 because it knows its time is coming", that hit me like a ton of bricks. 12:49 doesn’t think 12:37 is better than it, that 12:37 is more special, that 12:37 is more anointed, that there is no room for 12:49 because of 12:37; instead 12:49 realizes that they both have a distinguished place on the same clock & it will soon be its time.
God knows what He’s doing, He knows what He has placed inside of you & what needs to take place beforehand in order for Him to bring it out of you. Instead of comparing ourselves to others or getting upset with God because He is not meeting “our expectations” or “our timing”, we should be seeking Him & asking what do you want me to learn, how do I need to grow, prune me, make me into someone you can use, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts (Psalm 139:23).”
Find peace in God’s goodness, His faithfulness, His mercy, His grace, His word & trust that as you seek Him everything else will be added & the path will be revealed (Matthew 6:33, Psalm 37:23)
No time is wasted, stay faithful & your season for harvest will come.
Preaching to myself,
Imani Nailah
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